Spring Projects 2015


Here are two projects I’m working on this spring:

Tuts+ GoPro Course:

I’m working on a comprehensive course on GoPro cameras for Tuts+! While you wait for mine, check out all the other interesting lessons and courses they have on the site: http://tutsplus.com/

Live Stream Experiments:

With the recent popularity of Periscope and Meerkat, I’ve been exploring live streaming. Instead of either of those platforms, I have been playing around with Stre.am. It’s been lots of fun chatting with people about all sorts of tech and media production topics, and yesterday I did my first ever live drone stream. Yes, I streamed video live from a drone over the web. This is a big first for me, and is an exciting indicator of the developments to come in both of these technologies.

Here’s a screenshot from the stream:


The developers of Stre.am were pretty excited about this, and the footage might be used for something cool in the future!

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